During our 24-day Journey we placed 4 Peace Vases in the following places:
SINAI DESERT - EGYPT - Wadi Sheich Hasjasj This Vase was placed at an altitude of 900 meters early in the morning. At the moment we put the last stone to cover the Peace Vase, the Sun rose above the mountains..
SINAI DESERT - EGYPT - Forest of Pillars This Vase was placed at 950 meters altitude - overlooking the vast Sand areas and Sinai Mountains.
In this position we covered the Peace Vase with stones.
SINAI DESERT - EGYPT - Machroom Mountains Again an altitude of 900 meters. This time the Place was on top of one of the biggest Sand Dunes in the Sinai. Before sunrise I dug a large hole and placed the Peace Vase inside, covering it with large Stones - Sand will do the rest…
SINAI DESERT - EGYPT - Nationalpark Ras Abou Ghaloum Directly on the Gulf of Acaba, looking at the Mountains of Saoudi Arabia, we put one Peace Vase directly on the Border of the Sea. We dug a big hole and covered it with big, heavy stones and gravel - here every day it will be touched by the sunrise, the water and the air.
Dedication of Merit By the power and the truth of this Journey, practice and placing Peace Vases across the Sinai Desert May all sentient beings have happiness and the causes of happiness, be free from suffering and the causes of suffering, May they never be separated from the great happiness devoid of suffering and live believing in the equality of all that lives!
Sabera´s Website: http://sinai.heart-of-the-earth.com
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