Monday, October 10, 2011


Report on peace vase planting (2007) by 
Anita I. De Anda
This is in Dar es Salaam burried under an 87 year old Bodhi tree at the Buddhist Temple (which is 100 years old).  The Chief Monk for the African contient and Resident monk, Rev Ilukpitiye Pannasekara was officiating and we were fortuitous enough to also have the eldest son Julius Nyerere (first president and "father" of Tanzania), Andrew Nyerere, be present (he was coincidentally stopping by the Center as we were doing the burial).


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Contributing to World Harmony

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

In Tibet, more than a thousand years ago, many great saints possessed the knowledge to prevent wars, famines and disease, This was accomplished through the construction, consecration and the appropriate placement of special 'vases' containing precious objects and substances which created a sustained, harmonic environmental grid that pervaded the surrounding area. From the time these vases were 'planted' until the time the Chinese communist forces brought about the 'cultural revolution' it was recorded in Tibetan history that there were no major wars, famines or disease. 

We, of the technological societies have for many years witnessed the reckless deterioration of the world. Our Earth's resources are being rapidly rape, plungered or polluted and will eventually be exhausted, or will exhause themselves. Wars, large and small, are being fought to obtain sovereign, secular or religious power. Diseases for which cures have been discovered are being replaced by more virulent ones for which new cures must be found. This man-made process of deterioration is making our planet an unsafe and unfit place to live and poses an enormous threat to any possible solution to world harmony, peace and to the very survival of humankind.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

New energy - get involved and make a meaningful impact

Hi everyone!  
Sorry it has been a while since this site has been updated due to living in Kathmandu, Nepal for the past few years.  Asia (where like in Africa) there is often water and major electricity shortages, sometimes for up to 18 hours a day during winter. And as many of you know, often times in Africa there is NO water and NO electricity at all.
Our world needs love!  
We really pray that all the willing and able people who would like to get involved with this project will contact us and help make a meaningful and beneficial contribution in whichever way they are able so that we can all help to contribute towards peace and harmony on every level we can as individuals and as a team.
May we create all the right causes and conditions for peace to prevail.
May all beings be happy and free from suffering!!  
Sarva Mangalam.  May it be so.

Read here for a recent update on peace vase project:
As you can read Africa is still very much in need of support.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sinai Desert Egypt

During the Great Cameltreck from Coast to Coast across the Sinai Desert from 20 September to 14 October 2004 we placed 4 Peace Vases. This Cameltreck was organised by Sabera Machat, a student of H.H. Sogyal Rinpoche, who has been living in the Sinai Desert for 12 years and who was born in the Netherlands. The participants were from Germany, Austria and Poland. Altogether we were 13 Participants, 9 Beduins, 15 Camels, 1 Sabera… On our way from the Westcoast to the Eastcoast of the Sinai Peninsula we crossed several mountain passes with our camels, slept under the stars and on the earth, encountered one sand-viper and 3 scorpions, our own minds, expectations and projections. 

During our 24-day Journey we placed 4 Peace Vases in the following places: 

SINAI DESERT - EGYPT - Wadi Sheich Hasjasj This Vase was placed at an altitude of 900 meters early in the morning. At the moment we put the last stone to cover the Peace Vase, the Sun rose above the mountains.. 

SINAI DESERT - EGYPT - Forest of Pillars This Vase was placed at 950 meters altitude - overlooking the vast Sand areas and Sinai Mountains. 

In this position we covered the Peace Vase with stones. 

SINAI DESERT - EGYPT - Machroom Mountains Again an altitude of 900 meters. This time the Place was on top of one of the biggest Sand Dunes in the Sinai. Before sunrise I dug a large hole and placed the Peace Vase inside, covering it with large Stones - Sand will do the rest… 

SINAI DESERT - EGYPT - Nationalpark Ras Abou Ghaloum Directly on the Gulf of Acaba, looking at the Mountains of Saoudi Arabia, we put one Peace Vase directly on the Border of the Sea. We dug a big hole and covered it with big, heavy stones and gravel - here every day it will be touched by the sunrise, the water and the air. 

Dedication of Merit By the power and the truth of this Journey, practice and placing Peace Vases across the Sinai Desert May all sentient beings have happiness and the causes of happiness, be free from suffering and the causes of suffering, May they never be separated from the great happiness devoid of suffering and live believing in the equality of all that lives! 

Sabera´s Website:

Vases in Africa

It's possible

Is it possible that humanity never again kill, steal, rape and lie?
Can humanity never again fight for political causes?
Is it possible that humanity never again makes weapons and kills one another in war?
Is it possible that humanity never again mistreats and kills animals?
Can humanity never again pollute the rivers and oceans?
Can humanity never again fell the forests and destroy the environment?
Can humanity never again fall into materialistic thinking?

… Can humanity never again…

It is impossible for humanity.
I see human kind is insignificant and powerless.
But although this is so,
Humanity still has hope,
Because the original nature of human kind is pure.

As long as we abide in peace
And let our hearts be at peace,
Love will arise,
To transform the human race,
Slowly returning it to its bright original nature.
And then,
Everything will become possible. 


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More background about the project

Extracted from Siddharthas intent site (link above to read in original context)

The originator of this Peace Vase project, and their principal consecrator, was His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, who passed away shortly after the consecration was completed. Khyentse Rinpoche was recognized as one of the greatest spiritual masters of this century, and was regarded as someone possessing unequalled power of prayer. This gives us confidence that the vases consecrated by him will truly be able to aid the planet, by promoting peace, harmony, and ecological soundness in the area surrounding each one of these vases.

Siddhartha's Intent aims to place these vases in every single country in the world with the prayer and intention of the
project that the vases assist in creating world peace and harmony on both a social and environmental level, in all major water bodies, in all important natural sites such as the highest mountains, largest rivers, holy and powerfull places, in all major ecologically endangered locations, and even in space.

In 1991, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche agreed to take responsibility for the project from H.H Khyentse Rinpoche and applied traditional vase placement criteria, including Tibetan Buddhist Astrology, to select the particular places on Earth for the location of 6200 treasure vases.

Eventually, along with the sincere wish to restore peace and harmony in the world, vases will be placed in the major oceans, lakes and rivers, holy places, places of war, strife and ecologically degraded or endangered natural sites.

Through individuals and coordinators in many countries, approximately 4000 vases have now been distributed to many far flung countries, with around 2000 remaining in India awaiting transfer to their destined locations.

Although so far vases have been placed in many extraordinarily remote and exotic locations there are still many difficult to access countries waiting to receive their vases.

For instance, in Croatia, the Middle East, large areas of Russia and many war torn African countries.
Check the global mapping and contacts section of this site for developments or to check if there is a contact coordinator in your country.